latest 11 messages by damex|home

+ [2014-10-02T23:37:28Z] damex|home$user/$project/archive/$branch/${GITHUB_COMMIT}.tar.gz
+ [2014-10-02T23:28:02Z] damex|home VxJasonxV, what about grabbit snapshot of a branch?
+ [2014-10-02T23:22:22Z] damex|home VxJasonxV, okay. thx. i will check your example
+ [2014-10-02T23:20:56Z] damex|home i want something simple;
+ [2014-10-02T23:20:25Z] damex|home
+ [2014-10-02T23:19:56Z] damex|home but url is a way too long
+ [2014-10-02T23:19:39Z] damex|home you actually can by commit
+ [2014-10-02T23:18:48Z] damex|home hello, is there a way to download tarball/snapshot of the project by the date? something like